Tevm Node
A lightweight performant JavaScript native Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) enabling next-generation local-first UX for end users.
Tevm Node
A lightweight performant JavaScript native Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) enabling next-generation local-first UX for end users.
Tevm Bundler
The most powerful way to import contract abis and bytecode into TypeScript to date. Import contracts directly into TypeScript via their abi, solidity, or contract address.
Tevm Viem
Extend Viem and Ethers.js clients with Tevm Node capabilities. Program TevmNode using the apis you are already familiar with.
Tevm Server
Run TevmNode as a JSON-RPC server. TevmNode server is anvil compatible and supports all advanced features of TevmNode.
Tevm CLI
Command-line interface for Tevm (Docs coming soon).
Tevm MUD
Integration with MUD framework enabling optimistic updates and other capabilities (Coming soon).
Tevm Test
Use Tevm to write TypeScript tests (Coming soon).
A safe personalized onchain browser. (Currently in development)