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DeployHandler: <TThrowOnFail, TAbi, THasConstructor, TAllArgs>(action) => Promise<DeployResult>

Handler for deploying contracts on TEVM. This handler is used to deploy a contract by specifying the deployment parameters, ABI, and constructor arguments.

Type Parameters

TThrowOnFail extends boolean = boolean

Indicates whether to throw an error on failure.

TAbi extends Abi | readonly unknown[] = Abi

The ABI type of the contract.

THasConstructor = TAbi extends Abi ? Abi extends TAbi ? true : [Extract<TAbi[number], object>] extends [never] ? false : true : true

Indicates whether the contract has a constructor.

TAllArgs = ContractConstructorArgs<TAbi>

The types of the constructor arguments.


action: DeployParams<TThrowOnFail, TAbi, THasConstructor, TAllArgs>

The deployment parameters.



The result of the deployment.


import { createClient } from 'viem'
import { deployHandler } from 'tevm/actions'
const client = createClient({
transport: createTevmTransport({ fork: { transport: http('')({}) } })
const handler = deployHandler(client)
const result = await handler({
abi: [...], // ABI array
bytecode: '0x...', // Contract bytecode
args: [arg1, arg2], // Constructor arguments
from: '0x123...',
gas: 1000000n,
gasPrice: 1n,

Defined in
