DeployResult: CallResult
Represents the result of a contract deployment on TEVM. This type extends the CallResult type, which includes properties like gas usage, logs, and errors.
import { createClient } from 'viem'import { deployHandler } from 'tevm/actions' const client = createClient({ transport: createTevmTransport({ fork: { transport: http('')({}) } })}) const deployParams = { bytecode: '0x6000366000...', abi: [{ inputs: [], stateMutability: 'nonpayable', type: 'constructor' }], args: [], from: '0xYourAccountAddress', gas: 1000000n, createTransaction: true} const result: DeployResult = await deployHandler(client)(deployParams)console.log('Deployed contract address:', result.createdAddress)console.log('Gas used:', result.executionGasUsed)
CallResult for a detailed breakdown of the available properties.