TevmRpcSchema: [
, …TestRpcSchema<“anvil” | “ganache” | “hardhat”>,JsonRpcSchemaTevm
The JSON-RPC schema for TEVM. This type represents the JSON-RPC requests that the EIP-1193 client can handle when using TEVM. It includes public, test, and TEVM-specific methods.
import { createClient, http } from 'viem'import { optimism } from 'tevm/common'import { createTevmTransport } from 'tevm'
const client = createClient({ transport: createTevmTransport({ fork: { transport: http('https://mainnet.optimism.io')({}) } }), chain: optimism,})
async function example() { const result = await client.request({ method: 'tevm_call', params: [{ to: '0x123...', data: '0x123...' }], }) console.log(result)}